It may take some convincing for Tenley, but I'm totally all for converting to the pumpkin painting tradition instead of pumpkin carving. Just like every other activity I do with this crazy, she was only interested in painting for about 2 minutes....ok let's be honest, it was more like 30 seconds. But look at that masterpiece! Makes my momma heart proud.
Later when Dave got home from work we took our little Dalmatian trick-or-treating.
She was only brave enough to actually make it all the way up to 3 doors, but she was absolutely thrilled with those 3 pieces of candy!
We live in such a fun neighborhood right now. So many homes were decorated all spooky and there were seriously hundreds of trick-or-treaters. It was fun to watch Tenley observe all that was going on. She kept looking at my hair and giving me this funny look. I tried to teach her to say "trick-or-treat" but I failed. However, she was blowing kisses and saying "baahy" [her southern version of goodbye] to everyone who walked passed us.
Getting a good view and soaking it all in. I'd like to put this night on repeat a few times. It was so much fun!