Movie & Crackerjack

Saturday, July 25

Tenley is obsessed with the minions from Despicable Me so we have been anxiously waiting for the Minion Movie to come out.  She had never been to a movie theater before and she was pretty amazed by all the popcorn and candy! Yep, she's definitely my child.

She watched the first 30 minutes of the movie really intently, and then we spent the rest of the movie in the hallway running around. But honestly I don't blame her. The movie was pretty slow moving and I found myself getting bored. We had fun taking her to the theater but the movie itself was kind of a letdown. 

We went home and put Tenley down for her nap and then headed to Anaheim for a baseball game. I don't get a lot of dates with this man so I was so grateful to Cathy for staying home with Tenley so I could go to the baseball game. And Dave bought me this hat at the game, so I guess now the Angels are officially my team. Go Angels!

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